yo vintage!

as a little girl i loved playing dress-up! awwww, who am i kidding? as a lady-girl type, i still LOVE playing dress-up. what could be better than an afternoon of experimenting with hair and makeup and trying on vintage designs with girlfriends? not a whole lot, i tell you!

my friend samantha is a talented hair and makeup artist. i trust her with all my cutting and coloring, and bonus--sometimes we even get to work together on sets. today was a particularly fun day for sam and jac. ha!

220 Salon sits between Portland's own Voodoo Doughnut (quickie wedding, anyone?) and Valentine's restaurant. inside, huge picture windows and brick walls frame vintage furniture, distressed wood floors, and retro wall paper. all of this ahhmahhzzzingness mixes together with the fun, energetic mood set by the stylists... into the perfect cocktail of girly fun.

today the occasion is a collaborative event thrown by 220 Salon, Yo Vintage!, and Madame Ranunculus Design (two words: terarrium necklace). lots of playing with hair, makeup, jewelry, and vintage clothes...leading up to a fabulous night of talented designers, beautiful art, indoor swinging (yes), yummy food bites, wine, friends, and more incredible clothes.

spending a day with creative, artistic, driven women provided me with quite the boost of inspiration! Portland is full, i mean absolutely stuffed and overflowing with, TALENTED artists and designers. from interior decorating to event design, from handmade jewelry to vintage treasures, and from urban edge to outdoor chic--Portland is a very artistically inspiring place to live. lucky us!

220 Salon

Yo Vintage!

Madame Ranunculus Design