nice pistol mine is chrome

pistol. pistal. pistil. say that five times fast. ha! seriously though, PISTIL is a hat company based right here in our most favorite state---oregon! (yes i realize i live in washington. i often forget. hmmmm...

7 years ago pistil started with simply a hat. their designs are now sold through rei, zappos, sierra trading post, and altrec, to name a limited few. this locally owned and operated company values (and achieves) functionality, quality, design, and detail. each hat, scarf, visor, cap, belt, and headband is sturdy and durable, juxtaposed with dainty artistic touches.

this is tood, one of the owners of pistil. you can tell just from the picture that she is kind, warm and friendly. i liked her instantly because she hugged me when we met. good first impression...i think i'll start doing that!

hat and hair styling. this h & mu artist was so freaking sweet and bubbly. i absolutely adored her. unfortunately i am an arse and i don't remeber her name...sorry!

the color and texture of this wall were calling the photographer's name. kind of tuscan if you crop out the pile of industry. we wedged our way through the tractors to get to that gorgeous wall and the photograher stood atop a ladder, zooming in on a hat-clad ashley. just another prime example of one of my favorite sayings, "where there's a will, there's a way!"

ashley and i always have fun working together. who would think i'm an entire decade older than her! we both forgot things at the studio and the pistil owners were sweet enough not only to drop them off at q6, but to also bring each of us an amazing pistil scarf. of course i was thrilled with the gift and it will always remind me of the fun day we had. 

the pistil team was absolutely wonderful. they are welcoming, easy-going, and down to earth. i loved spending the day with them in hood river, a place i had not spent much time. what a gorge-ous spot! pun intended ; )

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