NAU now

new to NAU? think Patagonia... + local + sustainable + urban flair. ya! NAU is a wonderful place to work--on account of all the funtastic people. ; ) the Portlanders behind this brand are the type of people anyone can become instant friends with. the immaterial atmosphere is one of pure joy. i became fast friends with all the girls and let me tell you, they are first class, grade A, dandy!

carma (middle, clothing stylist)
 kimberly (right, hair and makeup)

the actual environment is also quite lovely, complete with beautiful industrial art, delicious music and abundant fanciful food. BUT the emotional ambiance is truly inspiring! the people love their jobs (understandably), and they love each other (this is also understandable).

all these products for a "natural finish"

one or two clothing designers and a handful of staff are present at most shoots and help the stylists primp, preen, trim, and garnish each outfit. NAU indubitably benefits from this sense of personal responsibility, ownership, and pride carried by each employee.

peter (designer)

now back to that fanciful food and gorgeous art! NAU is photographed at Sandbox, a warehouse studio with multiple sets. the high ceilings and open layout help create a friendly, inviting, and somehow intimate space. concrete floors and garage doors look somehow glamorous as the backdrop for the metal and wood art pieces, technical equipment, old bikes, and a mix of modern and vintage furniture.

while we shoot the online catalog for, two other sets are also hot (live). for instance, one set will be overflowing with dozens of pairs of brand new Doc Martens, lined up and perfectly perched on their boxes, being constantly polished and dusted for a product shoot. while, nearby, another set is being used to photograph a graphic for the Oprah magazine...something involving a goldfish i believe.

in my mind, NAU is the ultimate "Portland" company. who can argue with local, sustainable, high-end design with a natural finish?

and, on the off-chance you've been living in a cave, local and sustainable are the new hip and the northwest any way!

the NAU look: natural makeup

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